The Tiny Seed

Memory Game: Cut up words. Turn the words so you can NOT see them. Mix them up. Try and match the words by turning 2 over at a time. If they match, you keep them and have another turn. If they do NOT match, turn them back over and it is the next person's turn. Play until, all cards are gone.

The Crucible Matching Puzzle

After reading Arthur Miller's play, The Crucible, complete the following puzzle. Consider the significance of the terms to the meaning of the work as a whole.

Macbeth Matching Puzzle

After reading William Shakespeare's play, Macbeth, complete the following puzzle. Match the following terms and characters and consider their significance to the meaning of the work as a whole.

Romeo and Juliet Matching Puzzle

After reading William Shakespeare's play, Romeo and Juliet, complete the following puzzle. Consider the significance of each of the following terms to the overall meaning of the work.


Match the clothing items below!


Match the superheroes below!

Body Parts

Match the body parts!

The Rough-Face Girl by Rafe Martin

Match the words we hard in the story.

emotions memory
