Use this Read Aloud Guide before, during, and after reading.
Use this Vocabulary Guide to identify Tier 2 vocabulary words in the book.
Use this graphic organizer to deepen vocabulary knowledge.
The Boy with Big, Big Feelings is relatable for any child – especially for a child experiencing...
A journey into the deep-rooted traditions, artistry, and energetic spirit that make up the world of...
A photographic exploration comparing celebrations in seven indigenous world cultures and the United...
Born in 1905, Anna May Wong spent her childhood working in her family's laundry in Los Angeles s...
A Book Talk is a short introduction of a book to students to activate prior knowledge, build...
Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, Katherine Johnson, and Christine Darden were good at math…really good...
On a Maine summer day in 1884, twelve-year-old Penobscot Indian Louis Sockalexis first fell in love...
Learn about the amazing accomplishments of women from Amelia Earhart to Zora Neale Hurston.
Scientist Dr. Sato helps the villagers of Hargigo find a way to harvest mangrove trees to feed...