The Wright Sister

You have probably heard of the Wright Brothers. Orville and Wilbur Wright invented the airplane. But what about their sister? Katharine Wright also had a part in the history of flight.

Katharine was the youngest Wright sibling. Her mother died when she was fifteen years old. After that, Katharine took care of the family.

Katharine went to college in Ohio and worked as a teacher. She ran the house while her brothers opened a bicycle shop. She supported them when they did experiments with planes.

In 1908, Orville was hurt in a test flight. Katharine stopped teaching and became his nurse. When he was better, she started working with her brothers.

Katharine gave her brothers advice. She wrote about their work and got money for their experiments. She traveled with them when they went to Europe to show off  their airplanes. She won an award in France for her work.

Katharine was also known for her role in women’s rights. She was the president of a local women’s club. The club members believed that women were equal to men. They marched to allow women to vote.

Katharine was the little sister of the Wright family. She is often overlooked. But she played a big part in their success.