The War of the Worlds

In 1898, H.G. Wells wrote a famous science fiction book. It is called The War of the Worlds. The book is about Martians who attack the Earth.

Wells wrote the book like a scientific report. The narrator is a scientist who is watching the Martians invade London. He describes the spaceships that crash into the city. He describes the Martians that come out of the ships.

The narrator hides and keeps watching. The Martians destroy the city. People run away in fear. The narrator realizes that the Martians are more powerful and advanced than the humans.

The book is fast paced and exciting. It includes a lot of interesting science fiction details. What is most amazing is that Wells wrote the book before telescopes and space travel existed. He created everything from his own imagination.

Forty years after the book was written, an actor named Orson Welles created a radio version of the story. He broadcast the book in the same way that it was written – like he was reporting an actual event.

Many people who heard the radio show thought it was real. They were afraid. They really believed that Martians had invaded the Earth!

Luckily it was just a story. But it was very convincing. The fact that it could fool so many people tells us that it was well written. It also tells us that warnings are important. And it reminds us that we should be careful about where we get our news!