A Visit from Zorg

Matthew lay in bed and tried to sleep. He snuggled into the blanket. He closed his eyes.

But then, he heard a noise. It was a whirring sound. And it was just outside his window.

Matthew opened the curtains and looked out. He didn’t see anything. The whirring stopped. He closed the curtains and climbed back into bed.

Before Matthew could shut his eyes, he saw a light shining under his curtains. What was happening? He opened the curtains again. This time there was definitely something there.

The something was a small disc, like a Frisbee. It was hovering in the tree by his window. It had a light on one side. Matthew opened the window. “Hello?”

Slowly, an opening appeared in the disc. Something was climbing out! It looked like a bug. A space bug.

“Greetings,” said the space bug. “I am Zorg.”

“Uh, hi?” said Matthew. “I am Matthew.”

“Matthew!” said Zorg. “It is nice to meet you. And now, I must ask, do you have any applesauce?”

“Applesauce?” said Matthew.

“Yes,” said Zorg. “I’m running low. I use it to power my ship.”

“Oh,” said Matthew. “Let me look.”

Matthew went to the kitchen. He found a jar of applesauce. He wondered if Zorg would still be there when he got back to his bedroom. Or had he imagined the whole thing?

But it wasn’t his imagination. Zorg was there. And he was very happy to receive the applesauce.

“Thank you!” said Zorg. He disappeared into his ship with the applesauce. The jar was bigger than he was.

After a few minutes, Zorg popped out again. He waved goodbye.

“Wait!” said Matthew. “I have questions!”

But Zorg climbed back into the disc and lowered the hatch. The whirring started up and the ship sped off.

“Bye, Zorg,” said Matthew. He got back into bed. But he couldn’t fall asleep now. Not after a visit from Zorg.