Underwater Friends

Have you ever heard the story of the clown fish and the anemone? They are two different species that live together and help each other. You might call them underwater best friends.

Clownfish and anemones live in the ocean near Australia. Their habitats are coral reefs. Clownfish are colorful, with orange and white stripes. Anemones are also colorful. They look like underwater flowers.

Anemones have stinging tentacles. The stings don’t hurt clownfish. The fish can live inside the anemones and not be bothered. 

The tentacles of the anemone protect the clown fish. Predators that eat clownfish will not come near the anemone because they don’t want to get stung. Clownfish also get snacks from the anemone’s leftovers. 

The clownfish help the anemones too. The fish eat bacteria that bother the anemone. The fish also sometimes bring food to the anemone. 

The relationship between the clownfish and the anemone is called a mutualistic relationship. Mutualism means that both creatures benefit from their friendship. Clownfish and anemones are awesome BFFs!