Super Slug

“Run, Slimy, run!” yelled Sally.

“I can’t run,” said Slimy. “I have no legs and only one foot.”

“But we need to go faster!” Sally complained.

Both of the slugs were going as fast as they could. It wasn’t very fast. Slugs are not known for speed.

But today speed was needed if they were going to get away from the dreaded Dr. Salt. The giant shaker lurked menacingly above them. A single grain fell from the sky.

“It’s coming!” screamed Sally.

Suddenly, a gray blob appeared in the grass. Sally’s eyestalks popped out of her head. “It’s a bird…it’s a plane…it’s Super Slug!”

Super Slug had indeed arrived. He moved faster than any other slug in the universe. He left a slime trail as he scooped up Slimy and Sally and delivered them to safety on a nearby leaf. They curled up into the cup of the plant, watching a stream of salt spill from above onto the very spot where they had been just moments before.

“What a relief!” said Sally. “How can we ever thank you, Super Slug?”

“I think he’s gone,” said Slimy.

Slimy was right. Super Slug had sped off, ready to help other slugs in need of rescue.

“Phew,” said Sally. “That was close.”

“We’re not safe yet,” said Slimy. “Look.” Sure enough, there was another threat in the sky. This time, it was a bird.

“If slugs can’t run, they definitely can’t fly,” said Slimy.

“Maybe we should hide instead,” said Sally. They hunkered down into the leaf, as low as they could go. But the bird paused on a nearby branch and seemed to be looking right at them.

“Help!” shouted Sally.

“Shh,” said Slimy. But it was too late. The bird had spotted them. It’s beak opened wide. But just as the slugs were sure they were doomed, a gray blob appeared again.

“It’s Super Slug, here to save us again!” said Sally.

“I don’t think so,” said Slimy. The slugs watched in horror as Super Slug was snapped up by the bird.

“Hmm,” said Slimy. “Not so super.”

“I suppose not,” said Sally. And they went on their way, leaving two slime trails in the grass behind them.