Snorkeling with Sea Turtles

Jade loved to visit her cousins in Hawaii. She liked to walk on the beach. She liked to eat poke. It was a dish made of raw fish cubes with yummy spices. But her favorite thing to do was to go snorkeling.

Ned took Jade snorkeling. He was her oldest cousin. He had his own boat. They motored out to a half-sunken volcano crater. Ned said it was the best place to snorkel. If they were lucky, they might even see a sea turtle!

First, they put on sunscreen that was safe for sea creatures. Next, they put on their snorkeling masks. The mask went over Jade’s eyes like a giant set of goggles. There was a tube connected to the goggles.

Ned explained that the tube would stick out above the water. Jade could breathe while she was swimming by using the tube. They practiced near the boat for a while.

When Jade was comfortable with the mask, they swam around the crater. The water was so clear. Ned said that they could see over 100 feet!

Jade was excited to see such brightly colored fish. The coral looked like a fancy, underwater castle. They even saw a ray and some eels.

Ray tapped Jade on the shoulder. She turned around. She couldn’t believe her eyes. There, just a few feet away, was a sea turtle!

Snorkeling was awesome. Jade couldn’t wait to go again the next day. Now it was time to go home and eat a bowl of poke!