Potato Prints

Potato printing is an art form that is found in many places. In Germany, it is called Kartoffeldruck.  In Poland, it is called Kartoffeltryk. In Zimbabwe, it is called Kudhinda. 

Most traditional potato prints are made the same way. First, the artist carves a design in the potato. In Zimbabwe, the design is often an animal. In Germany, the design is usually a geometric shape. 

Next, the artist paints the potato with ink. They use bright colors. The colors make the art cheerful and fun.

The artist then stamps the potato design onto a piece of fabric. They stamp the design over and over to create a pattern. In Zimbabwe, you might see rows of elephants printed on a tablecloth. In Poland, you might see lines of fir trees on an apron.

You can use the directions above to make your own potato art. If you don’t have fabric, you can stamp your potato design on paper. You might make a holiday card or wrapping paper with your potato prints. 

An easy way to carve a design into your potato is to use a cookie cutter. First, you cut off the end of the potato. Then you press the cookie cutter into the flat part. Next, you ask an adult to remove the potato around the cutter. 

Now your potato is ready to paint and stamp. What will you make? Art!