Natural Mysteries

The world is full of natural mysteries. There are some places that people do not understand. How do they exist? What do they mean? Scientists have solved some of these mysteries. Others remain mysteries to this day.              

One of these places is Lake Hillier in Australia. Its water is bright pink! It looks just like bubblegum.

Fish live in the lake. It is even safe for people to swim in. Scientists still aren’t sure what causes the unusual color. They think it might be an algae or bacteria that hasn’t been discovered yet.

Another natural color mystery is in Antarctica. It is a red waterfall called Blood Falls. It is five stories tall. The bright red water flows down a white glacier.

For a long time scientists didn’t know what made the water red. Then they figured out that the color comes from the iron in the water. The iron rusts when it hits the air outside of the glacier. That rust gives it the red color.

One more natural mystery is found in Namibia in Africa. There are millions of round patches in the desert. Rings of grass surround the soil circles. The patches can be anywhere from 12 feet to 114 feet. People call them fairy circles.

What causes these strange patches? Scientists aren’t sure. But they do have a few theories. One guess is that the circles are caused by sand termites. But new studies show that plants competing for water is the most likely cause.

There are many other places in the world that hold similar mysteries. Maybe you will be the person who solves them one day!