Murphy's Wish

Murphy is an eagle. He lives at the World Bird Sanctuary. He hurt his wing and cannot return to the wild.

One day, Murphy found a rock in his cage. He treated it like an egg. He built a nest around it. He sat on the rock to keep it warm.

Murphy protected the rock from other birds. He pecked at them to keep them away. He was so protective that the staff moved him and his rock to their own cage.

“Murphy wants to be a dad!” said the staff at the sanctuary.

And he did. But his rock never hatched. Because it wasn’t a real egg! Poor Murphy.

Then one day, a baby eagle fell out of a tree nearby. The staff brought it to the sanctuary. They put it in Murphy’s cage.

Would Murphy believe that the baby eagle came out of his rock-egg? Yes! He did. Murphy treated the baby like his own newborn eagle.

Murphy was a good dad. He gave the baby food. He stayed near the baby to keep it safe.

The baby’s wing started to heal. It was ready to learn to fly. Murphy could not fly. But he taught the baby by showing it how to hop between branches in the cage.

There was a happy ending for the baby eagle. It went back to the wild. There was a happy ending for Murphy too. He got to be a dad.

Where did the staff bring the baby eagle?