Letty's Deal

Letty wanted to go to the park. Mom said she would take her if Letty could finish her chores by 3:00. “It’s a deal!” said Letty.

It was 2:00. Letty had one hour to finish her chores. She had to fold her socks and put them away. She had to feed the cat. And she had to study her spelling words.

“Feeding the cat doesn’t take much time,” thought Letty. “I’ll do that first.”

After she fed the cat, Letty wanted a snack of her own. “Can I have an apple?” she asked Mom.

Mom said yes. But then Letty thought about the time. Would she have enough time to eat an apple and still be ready by 3:00?

Letty decided to eat while she studied her spelling words. She got out the flashcards. She bit into the apple. She finished eating and spelling at 2:30. There was still plenty of time left to fold her socks.

Letty brought her socks into the family room. Her brother was watching cartoons. She sat down and watched too.

All of a sudden she realized that it was 2:45! She only had 15 minutes to fold her socks and put them away. If she kept watching cartoons she would not be ready in time.

Letty went to her bedroom so she couldn’t see the TV. She finished with 5 minutes to spare. “Well done, Letty!” said Mom. “Time for the park!”