Knitting Club

Marvin liked to knit. He bought some rainbow yarn and made a scarf. He made a hat. He even made mittens.

“Want to knit with me?” he asked his sister. She did not.

His mother didn’t want to knit. His father didn’t want to knit. None of his friends wanted to knit either.

“I need to find a friend who knits,” said Marvin.

“I have an idea,” said his father.

The next day, Marvin’s father drove him to Green Pines. Green Pines was the local senior community. The people who lived there were the age of Marvin’s grandparents and great-grandparents.

“I have a hunch that some of these folks will enjoy knitting,” said his father.

“But can I be friends with them?” asked Marvin.

“I don’t see why not,” said his father.

Marvin was nervous. The residents were so much older than he was. But he talked to them. “My name is Marvin,” he said. “Do you like to knit?”

Some of them did not. But some of them did! Marvin collected their names. Mrs. Purdy, Mr. Bello, and Mrs. Jain.

The Green Pines Knitting Club now meets every Wednesday. Mrs. Purdy makes the snacks. Mr. Bello brings the yarn. Mrs. Jain takes photos of their creations. And Marvin comes after school to visit his new friends.