How to Pick a Pet

Mr. Mack’s class was getting a pet. The students couldn’t wait. But what pet should they get?

Some kids wanted a rabbit. Others wanted a guinea pig. And some wanted a fish.

“Why don’t you decide for us, Mr. Mack?” asked Gabe.

“I want it to be fair,” said Mr. Mack. “I want everyone to have a say.”

The students started to yell out their choices. “Rabbit!” “Guinea pig!” “Fish!” It was so loud that no one could hear what Mr. Mack was saying. When they finally were quiet, they heard him.

“I don’t think this is the best way to solve the problem,” he said. They agreed.

Mr. Mack asked the students to think of other ways to solve the problem.

“We could ask the principal to choose,” suggested Grayson.

“We could get one of each!” said Taylor.

“How about we take a vote?” asked Jamilla.

“Great idea!” everyone shouted.

Mr. Mack set up a box for their votes. He passed out small pieces of paper. Each student wrote the name of the pet they wanted on their paper. They folded the papers and put them in the box.

After everyone turned in their papers, Mr. Mack tallied the votes. There were ten papers that said rabbit. Twelve votes were for guinea pig. Five papers said fish.

“Guinea pig wins!” cheered the students.

The problem was solved. But now there was a new problem. “What should we name it?” asked Mr. Mack.  Time for another vote!