The Furry One

Earth Exploration Log. Entry 1.

Two creatures have been sighted. Our mission: to determine the leader so we can negotiate a take over. So far they are both horizontal on a cushion-bench. The furry one is on top, signaling dominance.


Earth Exploration Log. Entry 2.

They have become perpendicular. The smooth one is consuming clear liquid from a cylinder. It serves the furry one the same liquid in a ceremonial vessel placed on a rug.


Earth Exploration Log. Entry 3.

Things have taken a turn. The furry one has been locked in a cage like a prisoner. Perhaps the previous ceremony was preparation for sacrifice? The smooth one left and has not returned. The furry one snores.


Earth Exploration Log. Entry 4.

The smooth one is back. The cage is opened and a string is produced. The string is attached to the neck of the furry one. It seems the smooth one is in charge after all.


Earth Exploration Log. Entry 5.

We withdraw our previous conclusion. The smooth one is definitely not in charge. It follows behind the furry one, showing its respect. The furry one leads anywhere it wants to go.


Earth Exploration Log. Entry 6.

There has been more horizontal time on the cushion-bench. The furry one rose first and found the smooth one’s offering. The gift was a foot covering left on the floor. The furry one showed it’s appreciation by eating the gift. More evidence of leadership status.


Earth Exploration Log. Entry 7.

The furry one is back in jail. The smooth one became loud and red upon discovery of the eaten gift. Reversing previous assessment of leadership situation.


Earth Exploration Log. Entry 8.

Final confirmation. The furry one is definitely dominant. There was another string outing. This time the smooth one picked up the furry one’s waste and stored it in a colored receptacle. Any creature whose waste is revered in this way must be king. Based on the data, we will direct our negotiations toward the furry one. May the stars be on our side.