Dog Man Dav

If you’re like most fourth graders, you’ve probably read a Dog Man book. They are cool graphic novels starring a dog super hero. And they are laugh out loud funny.           

Have you ever wondered about the creator of Dog Man? Who draws those great pictures and makes up the funny words? It’s Dav Pilkey. He’s the mastermind behind not only Dog Man, but also Captain Underpants and Super Diaper Baby.     

Dav was born in Ohio. His full first name is David. Most people spell the nickname Dave with an “e.” But when Dav worked at Pizza Hut, they left the “e” off his nametag. He’s gone by Dav ever since.           

When he was in elementary school, Dav was diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia. He had trouble reading. In second grade, he got in trouble a lot. The teacher sent him to sit in the hallway. While he was in the hall, Dav came up with the idea for Captain Underpants.              

In college, Dav’s professor thought he would be good at writing children’s books. So he tried it. He loved writing funny books and drawing the illustrations. Dav says, “I think my funny books are my favorites because I like to laugh so much.”           

Dav's characters are based on people he knows. He tries to keep his books simple and engaging so that all kids can enjoy them. He says, “I wanted kids who hate reading to find these books irresistible.”        

Kids do find his books irresistible. Dog Man has sold more than 30 million copies. It’s been translated into 38 languages. Dav is glad that his work is reaching kids who are a lot like he was.