Crazy Costumes

It was the day of the fairy-tale costume party. Hugo and Bella couldn’t wait to attend. They wanted to wear costumes that went together. But what would they dress up as?

“I know!” said Hugo. “We’ll be the Princess and the Pea. Won’t we look lovely!”

“I don’t want to be a pea,” said Bella. “It is too green and small. Instead I will be a mermaid. And you will my rock. You’ll make a very fine rock.”

“I don’t want to be a rock,” said Hugo. “It’s too gray and blobby. How about a king and his jester? You can be the jester.”

“Nope. I’d look ridiculous,” said Bella. “Let’s try Cinderella and her pumpkin!”

“Definitely NOT,” said Hugo. “No pumpkins for me.”

“It’s getting late,” said Bella. “We are going to miss the party because of you.”

“If we miss the party, it will be because of you,” said Hugo. “You are the one who refused to be a pea in the first place.”

Bella pouted. “If you like peas so much, Hugo, then you can be the pea and I will be the princess!”

“Never mind,” said Hugo. “I don’t want to go anymore. 

“Neither do I,” said Bella. But then she thought. She’d never been to the fairy-tale costume party without Hugo. Maybe she could be a pea after all?

Hugo was also thinking. He’d never been to the party without Bella. Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad to be a pea.

Hugo and Bella both went to the party. They were both dressed as peas. 

“What are you supposed to be?” people asked.

“We’re two peas in a pod!” they said. “Just as it should be.”