Copycat Crisis

Hugo was practicing his moves for the water ballet.

“I am one of a kind! I am unique!” he said to the mirror.

“What are we doing?” Bella asked.

“I was being unique, until you came along,” Hugo said. “Look how I can stand on my head!” Bella stood on her head too.

“Well, I can touch my toes!” Hugo said.

“Me too,” Bella said.

“I can even do the splits.” Hugo stretched his legs from side to side. Bella did the same.

“You’re right, Hugo,” she said. “You are unique.”

“I would be, except you keep copying me!” he complained. Hugo huffed out the door and marched to the pool. Bella followed behind him.

“Do you have to do everything I do?” Hugo asked.

“Yes,” Bella say. “It’s lots of fun. I want to be unique too! Just like you.”

“Argh,” Hugo said. “That’s not how it works.”

In the pool, Hugo floated on his back. He jumped into the deep end. He did a back flip off the diving board. And so did Bella.

“Bella, will you STOP being a copycat!” he said. “You’re ruining my water ballet!”

Just then, the other swimmers at the pool clapped.

“Bravo!” they said. “What wonderful synchronized swimming. Your team is truly unique!”