Class Clown Class

Mr. Jeffrey always called Wesley the class clown. And he was right. Because every Saturday, Wesley the class clown went to clown class!

Wesley loved clown class. He learned how to put on clown makeup. He painted his face white and wore a big red nose.

He learned how to juggle. He could juggle three balls and was working on four. He could even juggle two bowling pins. Those were harder.

Wesley learned how to spin plates on top of a stick. He learned to balance on a teeter-totter and do the hula hoop. He was even learning to ride a unicycle, but he hadn’t quite mastered it yet.

Wesley’s favorite things from the clown class were the gag gifts. He had a collection. He had a flower that shot water and a horn that sprayed glitter. He had a handkerchief that went on and on forever. He had big floppy shoes and giant sunglasses. And he had snakes in a can. 

Whenever Wesley’s grandparents came over, he liked to try out the gags on them. They were good sports. “This is just like the Three Stooges!” said his Grandpa. 

Wesley watched the Three Stooges after that. They were really funny. Wesley wondered if Mr. Jeffrey liked the Three Stooges. He also wondered if Mr. Jeffrey would like the snakes in a can. There was only one way to find out!