The Asking

The Spring Fling was days away. Holly wanted to go to the dance with Jerome. She thought he wanted to go with her too, but he hadn’t asked her yet.

All week long, during Asking Week, students had been inviting each other to the dance. Mostly they asked during lunch. The asker made a sign and brought flowers. The askee usually squealed.

Now it was Friday. Would Jerome ask her at lunchtime? Holly wasn’t sure. Maybe she should ask him? It was all so confusing. It was exciting and romantic. But also anxiety producing and embarrassing. It was mixed. These feelings basically summed up eight grade.

Holly asked her friends what they thought she should do.

“Definitely ask him,” said Jane.

“No – too mortifying!” said Alexa. “Just wait and see if he asks you.”

“I’m going to do it,” said Holly. She felt better after she made the decision.

Holly spent all of her free period drawing the sign. Jerome loved super heroes. His favorite hero was The Flash. So Holly’s sign read: “You electrify me! Want to light up the night at the Spring Fling?”

“Perfect,” said Jane.

“I can’t watch,” said Alexa.

Holly hadn’t brought any flowers to school, so she made some out of tissue paper from the art room. She thought they looked pretty good.

At lunch, the cafeteria was full of people doing their askings. The askers were down on their knees. The askees were predictably squealing.

Holly took a deep breath and walked over to Jermone. Her stomach was fluttering. She got down on one knee, holding up her sign with the flowers behind her back. She closed her eyes to calm herself down.

When she opened them, she saw Jerome on his knees too. He was holding some tulips and a sign that said: “Pi the way, it would be irrational to say no. Come with me to the Spring Fling on March 14th.”

Holly squealed. Jerome squealed too. The asking hadn’t gone exactly as she’d imagined. It was even better. Just like eighth grade.